Do your kids bring home pocketfuls of found treasures from walks and outings? Do you also end up with collections on the kitchen counter or piled at the front door?
In the spirit of a place for every treasure and every treasure in its place, wonder bowls may be the perfect solution. Every collector has their own wonder bowl, the treasures are allowed to accumulate and can be rediscovered and enjoyed, the clutter is kept down, everybody wins.
I met the lovely Duane from Cottage in the Oaks at an online lecture last week and this was her idea. When I discovered this amazing dipped series of bowls from Wind and Willow Home I knew I had a perfect match. I hope they ship to Australia otherwise I may have to try make my own.
We always seem to have an assortment of shells, stones and twigs on the kitchen counter, or piled just outside the front door. I am a collector too, I can never resist a pretty piece of sea glass, in the country it was chestnut seeds. What do you collect?