I love Instagram!
I love that an ordinary photo tweaked becomes something special,
the every day memorable, the memorable shareable.
And now finally its all printable!
Enter Prinstagr.am developed by fellow Instagramer enthusiasts who are helping us get the photos out of the iworld and into the real world.
There are several products to choose from. I have just ordered a tinybook and a set of miniprints, I can't wait to get them and I will let you know how they turn out. But there are also T-shirts, stickers, a minibook and a really cool poster option.
Instagram projects I am planning for the future:
- Later this year we are going to a family wedding. I am planning on using Instagram to make minibooks for the bride and groom, and other members of the family, as a memory of this happiest of celebrations.
- A family mini book for my girls with photos of all the family who are far away. It can be theirs to look at as often as they like. And its not super precious so if its over loved its not the end of the world, we can have fun making another.
Also love this Photo a Day project from one of my favourite bloggers Fat Mum Slim.
Each day you shoot a photo according to the list for that month, and then you share the results with friends or other enthusiasts. Love it! I am going to play next month.
In every way Instagram is such a fun and easy way of keeping in touch with loved ones, especially those far away.
Are you as addicted as I am?