Tuesday, August 14, 2012

don't you love.....a lucky mistake, or two

I finally got round to testing some colour samples for painting the garden fence.  Painted three Colorbond swatches, didn't like any of them.  Sigh!!!  Does this happen to you too?  In frustration I poured them all into a single pot to make an under coat, and ta daaa, a new colour was born.  Its a little battleship but sets off the olive leaves and lanterns really well.  Eventually the grey will only peek out through the sky flower creeper and the green will soften the faded industrial edge we have now.  
Luck number 1.Luck number 2 was painting the darker colour around the strip of Dune Spray.  The thin strip reminds me of french linen or traditional fouta designs, and breaks the darker grey up just enough to stop it being overwhelming.  
Really pleased with the way both greys tone in with the weathered screen behind the fat lady.  Now we just need some greenery!