Thursday, August 23, 2012

Don't you love....wobble wobble wobble jelly on a plate

When Little Miss J turned one we made these jelly oranges for her birthday tea.  It was nostalgic for me because all birthday parties had these when I was a small child.  Nobody else seems to remember them, do you?Pretty colours + jelly + feeding myself = baby heaven.  
Be prepared for a jelly fall out zone so best to give them to the babies outside on the lawn.
Think she enjoyed them much?  
To make:
- Halve oranges and scoop out fruit (make orange juice while you are at it).
- Place halved fruit skins on a tray and fill with jelly liquid.
- Chill in fridge until set, you may have to top up the jellies as they set, so keep jelly liquid in reserve.
- Once set cut carefully in half.

"mmmmm mmmmm" as Little Miss J would say.

HookingupwithHoH Today I am linking up this recipe at House of Hepworths.  There are lots of amazing DIY and recipe links already up so make sure you pop on over to see what is happening over there.