Sunday, September 9, 2012

Don't you love.....a little romance

We are going to a family wedding in a few weeks time, I am so excited to share this special day with Cathy and Louis.  It has me thinking back to our wedding and how lucky I am to be married to the special man that I am.  Ashley (She Makes a Home) wrote a lovely piece called Laughter goes a long way in Love, well worth a read.  She includes some wonderful advice from The Art of Marriage, a poem which captures many of the important things we need to build beautiful relationships.

Bouquet via Style Me pretty and tassels via The Selby
My Miss E has been lucky enough to be asked to be flower girl.  I was flower girl for Cathy's parents many many years ago.  I know they would love that my little girl will be flower girl for their special girl.  They will both be there in our hearts.  
Miss E is wearing this gorgeous dress, I can't wait to see her in it.  Still need to find shoes.
Photo via Style Me Pretty, dress from Monsoon
At our wedding I had a bouquet of tuberose and the men in the wedding party all had button holes made of lavender, wheat and rose scented pelargoniums.  These scents never fail to take me back to the joy of that special day, surrounded by the love and well wishes of family and friends.

One of the happiest days of my life (images above from our wedding).