Sunday, November 25, 2012

alt summit 2013 shooting for the moon

I am going on a journey.  Specifically I am going to Alt Summit in Salt Lake City Utah this January.  Less specifically this blog is taking me on a journey and I am loving the ride.   
I have met wonderful people in the blog community, become a social media consultant, & found a very satisfying creative outlet for all the projects and images in my head.  I have been asked to write, interviewed lovely creative people, collaborated with other bloggers, and been published in a magazine.  All from taking that first step, jumping in and joining the conversation. 

Sometimes its a bit daunting, will I have anything else to say?  Are there any ideas left in my head?  Sometimes you just need to put your feet on the road and see where it goes.  Like these gorgeous vintage travel labels that I didn't know existed before this morning.  Wish travel was still this stylish.

I am getting very excited for Alt, only a few months away as we speak.  Last year I watched the Alt buzz online, this year I get to be a part of it for the first time.  Dear Miss Modern is helping me design the all important business cards and media pack.  I have admired Christine's work for years and its a pleasure to work with her.   Can't wait to see the finished product.  And I can't wait to be at Alt meeting all the other bloggers who love this world.  There is something about the blog community, and the Alt community particularly, that is so supportive & so inspiring.  Have a look at this clip of the recent NYC Alt to see what I mean.
Can't wait!!!

Bamboo globe via the DesignerPad, selection of vintage luggage labels: TWA, La Baule, Pan American Grace Airways, Continental Palace Saigon, United Air Lines, Yellowstone Park, Moana Hotel, KLM.