Tuesday, December 18, 2012

don't you love...a little christmas spirit #2

Christmas is less than a week away and we only have one Christmas stocking.  Miss E has a lovely giant knitted sock, but ofcourse when I bought it Miss J was not even a distant twinkle in her parents eyes.  
The question is will Miss J notice that her sock is a rather colourful pillowcase or do I need to do a last minute stocking DIY.
My gut feel is she won't notice, I think I have a years grace.  But in a rather fraught search for Santa Sack DIY's I did come across a marvelous idea.  

Each child should have two Santa sacks.  
- One sock is put out on Christmas Eve and will magically fill with presents by dawn.
- Another the child fills with toys they no longer need, puts at the tree before bedtime, and is collected by Santa for other children who may need them more.  

Lots of good lessons there.  Our children need to understood how lucky they are, and that giving is just as much of a gift as receiving.    

I wish I had this beautiful cranberry ginger fizz to fortify myself with while I am deciding to diy or not to diy.  Ginger ale, gin, cranberries, lemon & orange slices sounds like a great combination.

Find the recipe at Creative Culinary.  I think it will taste just as nice without the gin, a perfect drink for all on Christmas day.