Wednesday, December 26, 2012

five 4 3 2 2013

With the old year almost over its time to start thinking about 2013.  Ashley at She Makes a Home really got me thinking about setting goals with soul.  
I really do believe in the power of crystalising exactly where you want to be in your mind.  The act of conscious intent is sometimes enough to set you on the path to achieving what you want.
Tassel garland wall by Confetti System via The Selby
This blog is an example of that.  I procrastinated for ages but once I made the mental commitment and set myself on the path the road unfolded before me.
Half a year later I am reinventing myself as a social media strategist, loving writing again for the first time in too long, and going to Alt Summit to find out even more about the blog world.

It is easy to get swept along by the hustle and bustle of life and not take the time to really think about goals.  I realised that what I wanted a decade ago is not what I want anymore.  It has taken me a while to accept that I can let go of old ambitions which are no longer relevant, that letting go is not a failure but rather clearing the path to take on new challenges.

2012 has been a huge year for us.  We have all had to adjust to being a family of four as Miss J grew from tiny bub to an active little person with a big personality and lots of energy.  We (as parents) have had to adjust to Miss E needing a little more independence.  It is hard to give them the space to grow even when they are ready for it.   And the Voice of Reason and I have been preoccupied with completing building our home, which took much more energy, time and money that we ever could have imagined.  I am looking forward to putting these challenges behind us and setting new goals for 2013.

I am still getting my new goals clear in my mind, there are a few days yet.  I know that I want to spend quality time with all my family, find time for myself for fitness and career, perhaps an adventure - I need to get them clearer. 
Hope you are setting yours too, think clearly from the head, feel your needs from your heart, don't be afraid to tell people what they are, and work hard towards making them come true.