Sunday, January 13, 2013

Instagram...while the magic lasts

We have made it through Christmas, celebrated New Years, and 2013 is under way!  I have one last project to let you share and remember last years photo's, you might have some really great ones from the past two weeks.

I love Instagram, love the filters, love how easy it is to share.  I am very concerned about the recent policy switchback where they announced they had the rights to all photo's and could use them for advertising without permission, before backing down to public pressure.  Not ok on any level.  For now I have kept my account open but have to say I am looking around for a more private version. 
While the magic lasts I have found two more ways to get your Instagram pics off the web and into your home.

Turning your Instagrams into magnets for the fridge.  Love it!  
Magnets are apparently as big as they are on your phone and are ordered a sheet at a time.  
Finally fridge photo's Miss J may be able to play with.  We shall see how they cope with little girl teeth and hands.

Blurb Instagram Books
Small square books (18cm x 18cm) with a single photo on each page.
20 pages from $12.95 (in Australia)
Going to give these a try.  I liked the Prinstagram books I featured in a previous post but the books were really tiny!

Hope 2013 is off to a wonderful start.