Saturday, January 5, 2013

tweet tweet tweet

You may have noticed there is a little "t" on the left.   It true, I have finally entered the twittersphere.  I am a little nervous that this may be yet another time consuming online diversion, but with Alt around the corner the moment just felt right.  So there I am on twitter - following 28, followers 0.  We shall see how it goes.  I had my first twitter conversation with the lovely people at Blurb, they liked my Blurb family recipe notebook so I am feeling a teeny bit of twitter love.
Getting ready for Alt is much on my mind.  After logging on for a great lecture on "what to wear to alt" by the lovely Nicole Balch (there is a repeat on the 8th if you missed it) I was worried, very worried.  My wardrobe seemed far to formal and not enough cool or fun.  A little bit of retail therapy has slightly soothed my wardrobe terrors.  Sneak peek of my blogger bling below.  
I know its not about your looks and you should always feel comfortable in your own skin, but I will admit to feeling a little nervous of meeting all the super creative bloggers I admire.  I just can't wait though.  
And lastly (before I go and repack my suitcase for the 20th time), the lovely Ashley of She Makes  a Home featured my geometric embroidery this week.  Pop in and have a look if you missed it being featured in Snowed In Magazine.