Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Over a cuppa with... other bloggers

I was lucky enough to go to Alt Summit in Salt Lake City this year, (huge and fabulous blog conference if you don't know it).  It was so inspiring to be surrounded by other bloggers and creative people and I wanted to keep the momentum going at home in Sydney.
So I have rounded up every blogger, future blogger and blog lover I know and we are going to get together tomorrow, over a cuppa, and get to know each other off line.

I can't wait!  I made these I shared a cuppa with... notes so we can all remember who was there.  I have a feeling that this year is going to be all about connections and collaborations, and where better to start than with the lovely people you know already.
Watch this space...and if you are keen to meet up too drop me an email and I will let you know when we are meeting next.