Sunday, February 17, 2013

Summer garden...before and after

Don't you love a before and after?  I was admiring my summer borders and it struck me that this garden is not quite a year old.  Looking at the lush border its hard to imagine that this garden was ever not here.  And yet a just over a year ago there was nothing, just excavated sand and lots of rock.  
No trees or hedge, no flowers or grass, no garden beds, not one green thing.  A lot of blood sweat and tears from the Voice of Reason turned the scabby space into a neat lawn with deep beds.  There was a lot of levelling and a lot of wheelbarrows of soil.  A lot!!

13 Months ago: the area is levelled and beds constructed.  Lawn about to be laid. 
12 Months ago:  Exactly a year ago today.  The lawn has taken and the plants are in!  You can just see the small hedges against the hedge, new pear trees, sedum and crocus.  Everything looks tiny!
7 Months ago: the trees colour up prettily for autumn.
3 Months ago: (left) California poppies and red hot pokers light up the spring garden.  The ornamental grasses are in and everything has spring fever and is shooting up.

As it is today (below & above right): The sedums are bursting with flowers, still green but about to turn to pink.  The grasses, crocus and star jasmine are settling into each other well.

The pear trees and hedges have grown about three feet and are giving us privacy from the neighbours.  So satisfying to look out on our green oasis now and think - we did that!
(all images by Eva Burgess)