Wednesday, July 3, 2013

My You Tube debut...Top Tips for making a beautiful home with Every Mama Knows

This is a super exciting announcement!  I have made my You Tube debut with the lovely ladies of Every Mama Knows!  They like this little blog and wanted to interview me on my top tips for creating a beautiful home.  Very exciting and not just a little flattering.  
Every Mama Knows is all about connecting people, especially mama's, through all the things they know.   They say it best "Sharing Mum-tested tips, inspiration and product recommendations. Because we know Mums trust other Mums. Simple."  

It was such fun, we brainstormed, we wrote scripts, we filmed, drank coffee and ate cake.   
I am far more comfortable in front of the screen than on it and I was very nervous about it all seeming a bit forced and contrived, but these mama's know their business and the result is very natural and very me.  Go on, watch it yourself and let me know what you think.

So what are my top tips to make your house into a beautiful home?

1  -  If I could add one thing it would be cut flowers
2  -  If I could take one thing away it would be clutter (invest in storage)
3  -  Put art or photographs on your walls
4  -  Keep it personal, your home must be meaningful to you
5  -  Buy things you love, they always seem to go together in the end

I can tick being a on film off the bucket list, although it was such fun that I hope I get the chance to do it again.  Thanks for making it happen Michelle, Caro, Suzannah and Joel!

Pop along to the Every Mama Knows facebook page and see what they are sharing today.  And feel free to share your top tips and recommendations with them too, that's what this is all about.