Monday, August 12, 2013


It was deeply unfashionable to like Tretchikoff when I was growing up.  His prints were everywhere, in every waiting room, every guest bathroom, they were just over done (like Monet's water lily posters).  I secretly always loved the colours, the serenity of the women in the portraits, the exotic clothing.  Like many things it appears Tretchikoff has gone full circle and is set for a world wide revival.
I don't think I could do a print in my home, the childhood stigma runs to deep, but I rather like the lampshades and cushions.  

And I love the idea of doing a whole wall in Tretchikoff wall paper, perhaps even full circle in the guest bathroom.  
Wallpapers and cushions - crazy good!  Must have these cushions!

Read more about his rather amazing life at the official Tretchikoff website where you can shop for cushions, lampshades and prints.  And visit Robin Sprong to find out more about the wall paper.

What do you think, do you like him?  Did you grow up with these images too?