Monday, September 9, 2013

A mini spring declutter - store, sell, donate or recycle

While I have that spring has spring feeling I am going to do a spot of decluttering.
I like to do little declutters during the year to tidy those dumping grounds that accumulate stuff every few months.  If you don't leave it to long they don't get to big to tackle.

This is just a small declutter to make space for a spring season freshen up, my aim is to declutter and tidy ten things:
  • Recycle the jam jars I have been saving for a spot of jam making which hasn't happened in 18 months.
  • Sort through the bottom pantry drawers, whose contents have not been touched since we moved in, and store, donate or sell.
  • Throw away all single socks!!
  • Move winter coats from the entrance hall cupboard to bedroom cupboards.
  • Sort the children's summer's shoes from last year and throw away, store or donate.
  • Sort out my desk drawers: cull the business cards gathered over the past year, put the sunnies at the front of the draw again, tidy the stationary and buy new pens.
  • Ruthlessly cull the magazine and catalogue pile teetering half hidden behind the couch.
  • Bin all the mostly used wintery scented candles dotted around the house.
  • Move the medicine bottles that seem to have taken up residence in the kitchen drawer back to the bathroom medicine cabinet.  Throw away any items past their sell by date first!
  • Turn out the over stuffed dress up box and bin anything broken or too small.

Each task won't take to long to do so I can stay motivated and actually get them all done!   Once I have these under my belt I can tackle our wardrobes, but that is a post for another day!
That's the desk drawers sorted.  I made rough dividers from some left over thick card - not the prettiest but they do the trick.  One down nine to go!