Thursday, April 10, 2014

over a cuppa with...Emma Blomfield of Nest Designs, our new contributor!

Today I am very excited to introduce you to Emma Blomfield of Nest Designs.  Emma is a talented Interior Stylist with a flourishing business doing styling, e-decorating packages, decorating workshops, furniture sourcing, personalised mood boards, and from now (drum roll...) contributor to Build House Home.

When I sat down over a coffee with Emma a few weeks ago I just knew she would be fabulous for Build House Home.  We both want the same things from a blog, pretty pictures, useful information, and clear diy instructions.  We like things to be pretty, and practical, and where possible affordable.  Now I know what I like, but I am always looking for fresh inspiration, and Emma is an expert.  She brings a wealth of styling and sourcing knowledge which she plans to share with us right here, and I can't wait to see what she comes up with either.

Lets get to know Emma a little better

Favourite time of day...
When I jump into bed at night and scroll through my iPad to read my favourite blogs and catch up on social media for the day.

I have an hour to myself, the first thing I do is...
Probably refresh Instagram over and over, I’m almost obsessed with it.. Otherwise you’ll find me with a magazine on my lap, nail polish in one hand and the TV remote in the other flicking through rubbish reality tv…

A simple style secret I use myself is...
Look through the lens of a camera or your phone to see how what you’ve styled really looks. It’s ALWAYS different to how you see it in real life.

My favourite flowers are...
Freesias for their smell and ranunculus for colour and their happy faces.

Champagne or lemonade
Ha, easy, champagne. always.

Cheese or chocolate
Chocolate! If you knew how much chocolate I consume in a day you’d be shocked…..

What will be happening at Nest Designs this year
Good question! Each week brings new clients and new projects, in the next few months it’ll be a few retail re-design projects, including the re-design of a day spa (I’d be happy if they paid me in facials & massages to be honest!) plus decorating workshops in rural areas too. I love travelling to see rural towns and meet my e-decorating clients in real life!

No wonder we get on so well: blog obession (tick), reality tv watcher (don't tell anyone - tick), freesias and ranunculus (tick), champagne (tick), facials and massages (tick).

I can't wait to see what Emma gets up to this year and I am so excited that Emma is going to be adding a new voice to these pages!