Monday, May 19, 2014

#craftparty...Recapture: bring new meaning to old photographs

Every year Etsy throws a global craft party and we all get to be a part of it.  This year on the 6th June people all over the world will be reinventing old photographs in their own crafty way.  The same day I heard about the party my cousin sent me so great old photo's she found, it was mean to be.  I am taking inspirations from these amazing embroidered photography artworks.
Jose Romussi
Shaun Kardinal reinvents vintage postcards
 Fab diy for your own project by Brigitte, and an embroidered map for sale on Etsy
If you need inspiration browse the Etsy party board, packed with gorgeous supplies for your own party and photo project, you can even buy old photo's here.

I will be using some of these old beauties, a teeny me with my lovely uncle and his dog, and my beloved granny as a young woman, and experimenting with some embroidery silks and wool.  I have some ideas on how to make easy to do and easy to use in your own project.
Pop back on the 6th to see my photo recapture ideas and share yours with me at #craftparty on social media.  Take it offline and find a craft party being hosted near you, there are tons all over the world, or host one yourself.  Make sure you join in, even if its just commenting on the ones you like!!