Monday, June 2, 2014

gas fireplace plans for the living room

So very exciting news.  We are putting in a fireplace finally.  We had always planned one for the living room wall, but when the time came to put it in during the build we were fresh out of both ideas and energy.  But when I wrote this post about gas fireplaces we fell love with the Pure Vision from Real Flame.  Pages and pages of sketches later and we have decided to put one in ourselves.   I blue taped the final design right onto the wall so we could test drive it and its amazing how it resolves the space.  

I have never been very happy with the way this room feels, it always feels a little pushed up against the wall, and it has been amazing how just the blue tape has corrected the balance of the room.  I can't wait to see the effect of the three dimensional structure!!
I also can't wait to have a shelf for flowers, vignettes, paintings, so exciting.

So this is what we are planning (see above), a long low shelf running the full width of the back wall.  The fireplace is off centre so we can accommodate a gorgeous modular sofa (see it here) at the left.  The square is a chimney breast feature, not quite sure how that is going to be finished yet.  And a really cool feature of the Pure Vision is that the sides are glass so when we are sitting on the sofa we will be able to see right into the fire.  Can't wait!!!

To save costs we (by we I mean he) will be doing the framing out.  Watch this space and see how we get it done.  I can't wait to see it myself!