Thursday, July 10, 2014

Miss J's room gets a polka dot update

Miss J has moved from the "tiny wee wee" bed to a big girl bed and her room needed a bit of an update. The biggest change is a wall of gold polka dot decals, see my inspiration here, and she loves it!!  See her discovering them for the first time below.

Decals are fab to use!  This was my first decal project and it was easy and cheap to do.  
The wall, which is 2.7 x 3.5m took me about 4 hours to do and by far the longest time was spending measuring where the dots were going to go.  I used a spirit level with a measure on it and marked each point with a bit of blue tape, then fixed any glaring errors by eye.  I am pretty sure there is an easier way to do this, please feel free to let me know the answer.  The great thing is they peel off again seamlessly if you get it totally wrong, or when you want a new look.

I bought both pink and gold (to copy my inspiration from Urbanwalls) but it has ended up all gold except for one pink dot, see if you can spot it.  I love the one pink dot.  I have a lot of pink dots left over for somewhere else in the house!!  

I would love to add a few more pillows, how cute are the ones below, especially the koala!
Overall the room is largely white, peaceful and easy to update with colourful and age appropriate accessories.  A few colourful blankets, the lovely gold dots, some cute new polar bear sheets, and my animal pillow covers, not to perfect, a little eclectic, a little bit fun, and a lot good for being a little girl in.

Koala cushion,  horse pillow,  Ferm Living Totem pillow,  Mr Cat pillow,  Mr Bear pillow,  Ferm Living Inka pillow,  Ferm Living Maya pillow,  gold dot decals,  bunting from Ferm Living