Wednesday, July 16, 2014

moving things around...winter 14

Its been a relaxed weekend of pottering around the house making things pretty.  Fresh flowers, a new succulent from the market, and moving the cat painting behind the dining room table.  It was meant to be here, much better than where it was before in the lounge.  
I love the greens on the table and in the painting, they freshen up the whole space.

Its the last bit of school holidays and financial year end, so we will be on break for two weeks.  I need to concentrate on finishing up a job I have just resigned from, and find a new one.  The job I just resigned from really sapped my creative energy, it will be good to have a break and recharge the batteries a bit.  Lots of exciting things planned for the rest of the year and I look forward to having the energy to make them happen.