Monday, November 24, 2014

castle rock herbst architects

On a net crawl looking for dream holiday homes I discovered Herbst Architects.  I adore their aesthetic, the spaces are comfortable, spacious, beautiful, but somehow modest and contained.  I love the materials they use, they way they capture the view, the use of built in furniture.  I could go on and on.  Today, with their kind permission, I am sharing Castle Rock House, built on yet another piece of gorgeous New Zealand coastline.  Its well worth following the links back and looking at their other work.

I love the view through the narrow window, and I love the idea of being able to sit up close to it. Just gorgeous.

The creation of living areas on both sides of the home is just genius.  The sea view side has the protected lounge area and the gorgeous covered area (above).  The other side (below) has another another covered area which opens out onto the kitchen.  This means whichever way the wind is blowing there is a sheltered outdoor space for living in, fabulous idea.   If you are anything like me you will spend hours looking at the plan below seeing just what I mean.  
I also love the details, like the sliding door which slides right off the deck in to a specially constructed frame (below left).  

I love how the structure sits into the landscape, the bedroom area offset from the living area, like a craggy outcrop at the top of the hill.  What a position!
All images posted with permission of Herbst Architects, photography by Patrick Reynolds.