Thursday, November 13, 2014

diy mosquito spray made from essential oils

Miss J and I get plagued by mozzies, we must have the sweet blood in the family.  We never go out in the summer evening, or to bed, without putting on lots and lots of bug spray.  They work but they smell as poisonous as they are, I am always hoping its just the mozzies they are poisoning.  So I was thrilled when the lovely Laura introduced me to a home made version based on essential oils and witchhazel.  It smells delicious and its all natural, and best yet it really seems to work.  See below for just how easy it is to make your own.

You will need:
  • Witchhazel - available from pharmacies
  • Eucalyptus lemon essentail oil - 60 drops
  • Other essential oils to taste - I used 20 drops each of orange, black pepper and lavender
  • Spray bottles - found these pretty ones on ebay

To make:
  • Decant the witchhazel into a large bottle.
  • Add 60 drops of Eucaplyptus lemon oil
  • Add other essential oils.  I added 20 of each and then adjusted until I was happy
  • Shake well to combine
  • Pour into spray bottles

Shake well before each use.  It certainly seems to work in Sydney although I wouldn't trust using 
just this in a malaria zone.