Monday, January 26, 2015

cottage renovation...the living room (part 2)

Back to our cottage living room renovation, see the previous post for part 1. The other big change we made is more subtle but was quite a bit of work.  There was a door from the entrance area into the main bedroom which we wanted to close up.  The bedroom doesn't need another door, it has one in the passage, and it made the entrance space very akward.  More of that dirty mint paint too!

The amazing Mr B took off the doors and frames and framed up the space.  We decided to use lining board to cover the entire wall on both sides, adding some sound insulation and also meaning no plastering was required.  I love the finished look, very Scandi country, and it was definately a good option for both cost and labour required.  I will be doing this every time we inherit a dodgy wall and is a great option for covering exposed pipes in bathrooms or kitchens.
Of course I forgot to take a photo of the finished area, I have a put a large cabinet there with baskets on top and it looks really pretty.  That's the problem with not having a computer at the cottage, you don't notice which pictures are missing before you write the post.

But what I can show you is how the rest of the room looks now!!  But quickly just a quick look back at what the space looked like before.

And now the after!!  It is quite incredible how much bigger and brighter the space feels, and it is really only a very small space.  White paint rocks!  and the wall coming down is totally incredible.  Yes excuse the messy table, it's hard to make time for styling when you are in diy mode.

A prettier shot to finish up, and did I mention that I made that pendant lamp in the shot below?  Pretty pleased with it, diy coming soon.  You are going to love the price tag and just how easy it was to do.

And finally looking back at both rooms, you can see on the floor where the wall was.  A lot of hard work, but so totally worth it.