Sunday, September 23, 2012

Don't you love...Moody & masculine monochrome

Moody masculine monochrome energy, this post is for the Voice of Reason who has always dreamed of the industrial inner city loft.  I do love this look, the textures, the contrast, nothing that a lovely bunch of flowers wouldn't be able to soften to my taste.
images: top left & right by Richard Powers, magazine stacks via Abigail Ahern, skull print on old paper by Mia Widlake
 I want a jelde lamp like this one above (via Artilleret).  One of those things I noticed recently and now can't stop thinking about.
left via Blood and Champagne ,right again via Artilleriet this time with a flos lamp I covet for our lounge

There is that lamp again. (via Gifts of Life)
And to go with the loft the Voice of Reason would have this country bolt hole.  Imagine the parties you could have here! (photo by Richard Powers)