Thursday, September 20, 2012

Nice to meet you link party.....Favourite things you have made

Today the Nice to Meet You gang are linking up again, today our topic is: Favourite things you have made.
Its hard to choose a favourite, but I really like how this project turned out.   Sometimes they don't quite work like you have planned.  I wanted a lantern or mobile to hang under the mosquito net over Little Miss J's cot.  Something to move softly and catch her eye as she drifted to sleep.  And I didn't want to spend a fortune.  And I was heavily pregnant with limited creative energy.  
To make: One sunshine yellow paper lantern, two packets of gorgeous acetate butterflies, some silver jewellery wire, a glue gun, and about an hour of playing with different placements and I was done.  
Some butterflies are glued directly to the lantern, some are glued to strands of wire so they hover away from the paper.  To finish off I hung a lavender crystal through the lantern which catches the afternoon sunlight, reflecting rainbows around the room.
Little Miss J has always loved it.  As I put her to bed I shake the net gently, the butterfly's flutter gently, and Little Miss J drifts off to sleep.
We would love you to play along.  If you have a project you would like to share, link up with the linky tools and instructions you will find here.   Please put our button on your page and pop in to visit the host blogs below too.  If you don't blog please feel free to add your ideas in the comments.

The lovely bloggers hosting are:
Ashley @ Bricks & Baubles;  Lindsay @ Shrimp Salad Circus;  Lianne @ A Content Housewife;  Jeanette @ Artchoo;  Lauren @ Elleby Design;  Ashley @ She Makes A Home;  Erika @ Fox Trot Press;  Suzannah @ Adventures in Dressmaking;  Sentrell @ Suite Seven;  Dani @ The Future Reynolds;  Jenny @ House Full of Pretty;  Haeley @ Design Improvised;  Eva @ Build House Home
Pop in and visit us all.  We love it when people join in, or even just leave us a note.