Wednesday, September 19, 2012

most versatile blogger award! and other notes

The lovely Ashley of She Makes a Home nominated my blog for the Versatile Blogger Award. My very first award! So exciting and a huge compliment from a blogger that I adore.
As part of the award I have to nominate favourite blogs, and tell you seven random things about myself. (see below) 

If you enjoyed the previous Nice to Meet You link up,  join us again this Friday as we link up with favourite things we have made.  The link up will keep going through the weekend to give people time to play along.  I am looking forward to seeing what everybody has been up to!

Current top five blogs:
    - La La Lovely
    - Made from Scratch
    - She Makes a HomeTop from left: Anemone & olives by Wildflower Designsskull (sorry can't find source), snippet of coffee cups via Number Nineteen

Below: left via Blood & Champagne, dining room via Greige Design
7 random things about me:
    - As a kid I dreamed of going back in time and riding for the Pony Express.
    - I taught myself to read before I went to school.  Don't ask how, I don't know.
    - I love making jam.
    - I am currently obsessed with sashimi tacos.  Sounds weird but tastes really good.
    - I love snorkeling, but tropical water please.
    - One of my favourite holidays of all time was glamping with Kayak Africa in Malawi.  
      Gin and tonic anybody?
    - Friday night movie night, with the whole family on the couch at the start of the
      weekend, is my best!

Your turn, tell me something random about you.